Fiverr Easywebinar Design

EverWebinar is built exclusively for automated and hybrid webinars. It’s a natural next step for experienced webinar marketers, who want to scale up their webinar game.

In this EverWebinar review, we’ll answer these questions:

What kind of scheduling options are there for automated webinars? Is it flexible?
How well do the webinar landing pages convert? How much can you customize?
How can you automate webinar interactions? Is it any good?
How much does it cost? Is WebinarJam required as well?
What exactly are the pros and cons of EverWebinar? When to choose WebinarJam?

Live webinars are great for engaging and interacting with the audience.

However, live webinars pose a few hurdles that might hinder your growth:

Your chosen time might not be convenient for your attendees
You have to physically be presenting at every single webinar
That’s where automated webinars come in. They hold many benefits, for example:

You can still engage with your webinar attendees
You could have webinars starting every 30 minutes
Create one winning pitch and set your webinars on autopilot, 24/7
This EverWebinar review will show you why EverWebinar is the most advanced automated webinar platform.

Setting up & Scheduling Automated Webinars
A huge upside for automated webinars is that all the work is done beforehand and only once.

To set up an automated webinar you need to:

Set up a recording of a previous live webinar session or a presentation video
Schedule every interaction and offers that you want to present
You can set up the recording using a previous WebinarJam live webinar session or use an external presentation video from YouTube.

If you’re more interested in hosting live webinars, read our WebinarJam review here.EverWebinar source video selection
You can also opt to list your webinar on the EverWebinar On-Demand section. This helps in gaining more attendees to your webinar.

Scheduling is Everything with Automated Webinars
Automated webinars enable useful scheduling options, like:

Just-in-time option – Whenever a registrant arrives at the registration page, they’ll see that the webinar is about to start in just a few minutes.
Allow late attendance – Registrants can join a webinar that’s already in progress. For the late attendees, the webinar will fast forward to current timestamp.
Instantly watch replay – The registration page will have an option to “Watch the replay now”. Attendees don’t have to wait for the next session, they can watch instantly.
The just-in-time webinar starts every 15 minutes, every 30 minutes or every hour.

Let’s talk about Fiverr Easywebinar Design but before…

By default, the webinars are not running at night (by visitor’s time zone), so keep that option on. Attending a webinar at night doesn’t seem realistic.

EverWebinar just in time scheduling
Just-in-time scheduling in EverWebinar
You can choose how many scheduled webinars you want to display on the registration page.

It’s possible to display only the next immediate scheduled webinar. Or you can show up to 9 next scheduled webinars.

It’s recommended to display 1-3 next webinars as you don’t want to overwhelm your registrants.

There’s also an option to block certain dates, like holidays.

On EverWebinar you can host free or paid webinars. And you can password protect your webinar.

Automated Webinar Funnel Pages
EverWebinar registration pages are the same as in WebinarJam. They’re only adapted to automated webinars.

The registration pages are quite versatile – you can choose from different layouts and different color themes.

The registration page can focus on:

A featured image
A product video
The presenters and hosts
Selling points (bullet-point style)
Here’s an example of an EverWebinar registration page configuration:

EverWebinar registration page example
Registration page configuration on EverWebinar
One of my favorite features I found during this EverWebinar review is registration page A/B testing.

You can choose 2 registration page templates and display them equally to the registration page visitors. This way, you can learn which registration page design and copy converts registrations better.

Registration page A/B testing on everwebinar
Registration page A/B testing on everwebinar
Registration Form with Different Layouts and Colors
The registration form can also be designed to match your brand colors.

There are also different layouts to make the signup attractive.

EverWebinar registration forms
EverWebinar registration forms
However, one downside for EverWebinar is that you can’t add custom questions on the registration form. You can only have:

First name
Last name
Email address
Phone number
These questions can be mandatory or optional.

The good thing is that you can still ask custom questions, but just on the post-registration thank you page.

The post-registration survey allows you to ask what your registrants are interested in and what are their expectations for the webinar. This helps you with your preparations.

EverWebinar post-registration survey
Attendee view: Post-registration survey example
The post-registration survey questions can be:

Single choice answer question
Multiple choice answer question
Short text box answer question
Long text box answer question
You can also customize the color schema of the countdown page and the webinar room. That’s an awesome feature on EverWebinar – you can customize the colors to match your brand.

EverWebinar live room color schemas
Live room color schema options
Embedded Registration Form & Direct Links
If you want to promote your webinar on your own website and you have a ton of traffic already, it’s a good idea to embed the webinar registration form on your site.

On EverWebinar you can customize the registration banner or a button and generate a code snippet you can add your WordPress site or any other website.

Embedded registration form
Customizing the embedded registration form
You can enable the one-click registration to skip the registration altogether.

This allows the attendees to skip the registration altogether, so that they can jump right into the webinar by giving them the direct links.

EverWebinar 1-click registration
1-click registration setup
Email Reminders, Follow-ups & Audience Segmentation
The email scheduling options on EverWebinar are very flexible in terms of scheduling and segmentation.

You can schedule unlimited email reminders at x hours before the webinar.

Plus, the email editor is quite flexible. Inside the email body you can:

Change font color and sizes
Add bullet point lists
Add images
EverWebinar email editor
EverWebinar email editor
One of my favorite features in EverWebinar is the audience segmentation options for emails.

You can specifically segment your webinar attendees based on their attendance behavior.

For example, you can create an email:

Only to those who attended
Only to those who registered, but didn’t attend
Only to those who attended, but didn’t order the product
Only to those who attended, but left before HH:MM:SS
This allows you to address attendees and registrants who are in different phases of their purchase decision cycle.

EverWebinar follow-up email segmentation options
EverWebinar follow-up email segmentation options
By default, the emails will be automatically sent from the email you registered to EverWebinar with.

EverWebinar also offers tons of integrations with different email autoresponder platforms.

It even offers integrations with Twilio to send an SMS text message reminders 15 minutes before the webinar starts.

EverWebinar Automated Audience Interactions
Creating interactions and keeping your attendees engaged during an automated webinar could be tricky. Especially if you’re not there yourself.

If you want to create a feeling that there are more people attending the webinar, you can enable simulated attendees.

You can set a fixed number of attendees or dynamic attendees.

Dynamic simulated attendees
Dynamic simulated attendees
Luckily, EverWebinar does an excellent job with scheduled interactions.

Polls on an Automated Webinar
When scheduling polls, you can set up:

Poll options
Poll starting time
Poll ending time
The results after the polling is finished
The polls setup looks like this:

EverWebinar poll setup
Automated poll setup – Options
EverWebinar polls setup
Automated poll setup – Scheduling & Results
This is how the polls would look like for the automated webinar attendees:

Polls live
Attendee view: How polls would appear
Chat & Questions on an Automated Webinar
There are 2 main ways attendees can chat and ask questions on EverWebinar:

First, you can enable the live chat. This way your attendees can type chat messages and they would also see other chat messages.

This is best for simulating a live webinar, because chatting makes it feel like it’s happening then and there.

However, you’d have to set up the chat messages that would be triggered during the automated event.

EverWebinar automated chat setup
Automated Chat Setup
If you’re running live webinars as well, then a faster alternative is to export the chat logs from a live webinar session and import it as CSV. This would definitely feel more real.

It’s recommended to always clearly state that it’s an automated webinar. There’s nothing worse than an attendee who feels like they’ve been deceived.

So Fiverr Easywebinar Design, important things to know…

If you don’t feel comfortable with the simulated live chat, you can just enable a simple question box.

This way you can still capture attendee questions.

Highlighted Messages & Sticky Announcements
Highlights and announcements are useful if you want to give your audience a message they won’t miss.

These would also be scheduled by a timestamp.

Highlighted announcement – E.g a testimonial from an attendee or an important message from the host
Sticky messages – E.g a tech support URL or a link to customer support chat
EverWebinar highlighted message
Attendee view: Highlighted message as a customer testimonial
Another unique feature for EverWebinar is that you can schedule for new browser tabs to open automatically for all your attendees.

Be careful with this feature. Use it at the end of the webinar to redirect your attendees to your product page, for example.

Live Product Offers on an Automated Webinar
The automated product offers are designed to be attractive and highly converting. These offers are definitely one of the best features I’ve experienced during this EverWebinar review.

What makes the product offers attractive to the attendees:

A clear product image at the center of attention
An inviting call-to-action button
Urgency timer to encourage purchases
Here’s how the product offer setup looks like:

EverWebinar automated offer setup
EverWebinar automated offer setup
To further encourage actions, you can schedule live sales notifications to trigger after the product offer has been launched.

Seeing that other people are purchasing the product will create social proof and will encourage the attendees to make their purchases.

EverWebinar live offer
EverWebinar Attendee view: Automated Offer launched + Sales notification triggered
A slight downside is that when an attendee hovers over the video, it shows the YouTube watermarks. If the attendee pauses the video, it shows the YouTube suggested videos. This won’t happen if you’re using a previous WebinarJam session.

The only downside I found about interactions during this EverWebinar review is that there’s no interaction timeline overview. I’d love to see a chronological overview of all the interactions I’ve set up.

EverWebinar on Mobile Devices
Attending an EverWebinar automated webinar on a mobile device, like Android or iPhone is very intuitive and seamless.

EverWebinar on Android: Testimonials
EverWebinar on Android: Testimonials
EverWebinar on Android: Polls
EverWebinar on Android: Polls
Everything is mobile responsive, the question box, the polls and the offers are not overtly annoying or distracting from watching the webinar.

EverWebinar on Android: Automated offer
EverWebinar on Android: Automated offer
EverWebinar on Android: Sales notification
EverWebinar on Android: Sales notification
When an attendee minimizes the webinar on their mobile browser, the webinar will automatically pause.

The question box is always visible, so the attendee can ask questions during the webinar. These questions will be emailed to you (the host).

EverWebinar Analytics Dashboard & Data Exports
The analytics dashboard provides great insights into your automated registration conversion rates and webinar attendance statistics.

More specifically, you can learn:

What is the sign-up rate of the registration page? (incl. A/B testing)
What is the show-up rate to the webinar? (after registration)
What is the attendees’ average session duration?
What is the email open rate and click-through rate?
How much revenue did the webinar generate?
EverWebinar analytics dashboard example
EverWebinar analytics dashboard example
Alternatively, you can also export this data to an Excel spreadsheet to analyze it further.

EverWebinar CSV export
EverWebinar CSV export
EverWebinar allows you to inject 3rd party tracking pixels to all the webinar funnel pages. This allows you to track:

Who visited the registration page
Who opened the registration form
Who registered for the webinar
Who made it to the webinar room
Who watched the webinar replay
This makes it possible to gather webinar data to Google Analytics and to Facebook. Furthermore, you can create custom ad campaigns to each of those segments.

3rd party tracking setup

This way you can win back people who visited your webinar registration page, but didn’t sign up. This is a great way to maximize your attendance rate.

EverWebinar Pricing & the 14-Day Trial
An interesting fact about pricing that I discovered during this EverWebinar review is that all the packages include all the features.

That means all the packages include:

Automated & hybrid webinars
Audience interaction simulation tools
Webinar reminders & customization
Pre-made webinar funnel pages
Advanced analytics and exports
EverWebinar pricing
EverWebinar pricing
The only difference is the duration of the subscription. If you opt for a longer subscription, you’ll end up paying less in the long run.

The most frequent payment plan is 3 payments per year.

Restricting to annual payments might sound bad, but if you’ve made a long-term plan to host webinars, then the annual plans are very cheap compared to other webinar software.

The great thing about EverWebinar is that they offer a 14-day trial for just $ 1.

On top of it, they also have a 30-day full refund policy.

So, there’s no risk – try it out!

Start Your EverWebinar 14-Day Trial
EverWebinar Review Conclusion
The rich webinar funnel customization options and marketing-focused interaction tools make EverWebinar the best automated webinar software out there.

However, there were some cons to it as well. Let’s summarize.

Which One to Choose – WebinarJam vs EverWebinar?
The distinction is clear:

WebinarJam for live webinars.

EverWebinar for automated webinars.

When you’re just starting out with webinars and you mainly want to host live webinars, then WebinarJam is one of the most beginner-friendly webinar software. It practically guides you through the webinar setup and it has really useful marketing-focused features.

Read the full WebinarJam review

If you’re already an experienced webinar marketer, you’re finding that there’s just not enough hours in the day to host all the webinars and you’re ready to kick it up a notch, EverWebinar is the perfect next step for you.

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